Last Uploaded: April, 2011
Detailed cross-sectional view |
Special Features
Q-1 Indoor Environment |
- Ecological roof system that lets daylight into rooms thoroughly
- Solar radiation control system/Peri-buffer system that reduces air-conditioning loads while allowing for open space structure
- Displacement natural ventilation system for large-scale space
- Sensible/latent heat separated personal radiant air-conditioning system that treats for comfortable and energy-saving
- Use of task/ambient lighting system. Flicker control of task lights using IC tags
- Introduction of air-conditioning system using blower outlet on the floor in the workplace, and control of CO2 emissions
- Personal floor diffusing air-conditioning system, and CO2 monitor control system.
Q-2 Quality of Service |
- A wide and open workspace with a vaulted high ceiling
- Ensuring flexibility by adopting large span frames and separated cores
- High seismic capacity (seismic isolation structure/Super active vibration control structure)
- Enhanced reliability through installation of advanced information network systems, power generators and uninterruptible power systems (UPS)
- Rainwater and well water treatment system
- Preparation of gravity water supply system for toilets and emergency sewage tanks as a disaster preparedness
Q-3 Outdoor Environment on Site |
- Mitigating impact on the surrounding environment by adopting low-rise building design and keeping large green space
- Improved thermal environment by introducing wet type of exterior pavement materials
LR-1 Energy |
- 36 % reduction in PAL value
- 42 % reduction in ERR value, an integration of CEC values
- Natural energy utilization system including photovoltaic (150 kW) /wind power generation, utilization of daylight, geothermal power and natural ventilation
- Visualization system utilizing BEMS for raising environmental awareness of occupants of the building
LR-2 Resources and Materials |
- Cascade using rainwater and well water for saving resources
LR-3 Off-site Environment |
- Decided location of facilities and trees with consideration for prevailing wind and thermal environment
- Appropriate sound-deadening silencer for equipment on the roof
Other Features
These cases are described based on assessment results obtained using
CASBEE is a method for rating the environmental performance of buildings using
Building Environmental Efficiency (BEE) as an indicator, which is based on the results of
separate scores obtained for Q-1~Q-3 (Quality) and LR-1~LR-3 (Load Reduction).