Last Uploaded: January, 2010
Honda Wako Building
North-south open ceiling and glass curtain wall |
Special Features
Q-1 Indoor Environment |
- Working space in a bright, thermally stable environment created by distributed arrangement of atriums and top lights (56 m x 12 m)
- Perimeter-less working space with atriums, machine rooms, lavatory, staircases, and more installed circumferential area
- Double-skin system using low-e glass for openings and aluminum vertical louvers on the eastern and western exterior walls, especially the western one to protect against sunlight from the west
- Automatically controlled (by sunlight tracking, illuminance sensors) blinds and roll screens
- Air conditioning is possible around personal desks by segmented air conditioning (VAV) after regular business hours
- Appliances with category V louver (working space)
- Lighting control by human and illuminance sensors and remote-controllable lighting by sensor
- The ventilation amount is 1.2 times the ventilation standard.
- Interior finishing materials easy to clean and maintain
- A smoking area is available on each floor.
Q-2 Quality of Service |
- Outlet capacity: 60 VA/m2
- Story height of typical floor: 4.4 m
- Ceiling height of working space: 3.0 m
- Large opening in north and south exterior walls via open ceiling
- Two relaxation spaces are provided on each typical floor with a smoking area, vending machines, a mini-kitchen, a water cooler, and more.
- Earthquake resistance performance 30% higher than the value specified in the Building Standard Law
- Buckling restrained braces and toggle mechanism dampers have been installed.
- Grid type system ceiling (access hole in entire face)
- Response to disasters by system category according to the degree of importance of ventilation and air conditioning equipment
- Emergency power generation equipment, uninterrupted power supply equipment, and the machine room are placed on a floor above the ground.
- Earthquake resistance class of equipment piping: A
- Wall length ration = 0.107
- System toilets
- EPS (Electric Pipe Shaft)s are installed uniformly on typical floors.
Q-3 Outdoor Environment on Site |
- Most existing trees have been preserved.
- Green coverage ratio of exterior: 48%, area ratio of roof greening: 29%
- 2005 Sai-no-Kuni Saitama Scenery Award (Saitama Prefecture, 2005) received
- Functions are provided to the community and amenity facilities are upgraded.
- Shading is provided by green space, pilotis, and eaves, and the use of asphalt and concrete has been reduced.
LR-1 Energy |
- The PAL (Perimeter Annual Load) value is reduced by 25.9%.
- Amount of natural energy used: 13 MJ/(m2/year)
- The ERR (Energy Reduction Rate) value of all CEC(Coefficient of Energy Consumption) values is reduced by 23.7%.
- An energy/environment/operation state evaluation and support function (BEMS : Building Energy Management System) was introduced.
- After the completion of construction, thermal environment measurement was conducted and commissioning of each piece of equipment was implemented.
LR-2 Resources and Materials |
- Toilet flushing sound simulator and ultra water-saving western type toilet bowls have been installed.
- Well water, rainwater, and air conditioning drainage are used.
- Waste water from kitchens is recycled.
- Nitrogen gas fire extinguishment equipment with ODP (Ozone Depletion Potential) = 0
- Thermal insulating materials with ODP(Ozone Depletion Potential) = 0 and low GWP(Global Warming Potential) value
LR-3 Off-site Environment |
- Large-scale greening
- Water-permeable pavement
- Rainwater is used and waste water from kitchens is recycled.
- Composters have been installed, and compost made from kitchen garbage is sold to neighboring farmers.
Other Features
- Glass photocatalyst coating
Water heat storage tank
- No soil was carried out of the site during construction work.
- Utility tunnels are maintained.
- CO2 emissions and waste reduction were monitored by holding LCCO2 Committee meetings regularly during construction.
These cases are described based on assessment results obtained using
CASBEE is a method for rating the environmental performance of buildings using
Building Environmental Efficiency (BEE) as an indicator, which is based on the results of
separate scores obtained for Q-1~Q-3 (Quality) and LR-1~LR-3 (Load Reduction).