Using natural light intake
(1) Slope ceiling
Height of windows is maximized by slope ceiling to take in ample natural light.
(2) Light Shelf
Direct sunlight into the work space is reduced by being partly refletcted to the ceiling on the light shelf.
(3) Ecological Core
Windows are installed on North and South exposure to take in ample natural light.
Using natural ventilation
Natural Wind way |
(1) Ventilation Windows above Light Shelves
Natural ventilation goes through windows just below ceiling without intervening woking space.
(2) Ecological Core and Staircase
Natural ventilation is accerelated by chimney effect of ventilation tower regardless of external wind condition.
(3) Cooling with outside air
Energy comsumption for ventilation and aircondition during mid-climate is reduced by the ventilation windows controlled by entalphy difference between inside
and outside office.
Gas cogeneration system
32kW gas engine driven cogeneration sysytem |
32kW gas engine driven cogeneration sysytem supplies part of electricity load of the building.For efficient use of energy, waste heat from gas engine is used for air-conditioning and hot-water-supply.