Personal air conditioning
Conceptual diagram of personal air conditioning |
The main building adopts floor-supply displacement air-conditioning system as well as floor air outlets for personal air conditioning (hereinafter referred to as "personal air outlets") developed to fulfill the personal requirements of workers for the thermal environment. For the ambient
area, uniform air conditioning is ensured by air-permeable tile carpets. Personal air outlets also contribute to efficient local air conditioning of the task area. At the same time, the air conditioning in ambient areas is relaxed to save energy.
Air conditioning, ventilation, and lighting control using PHS functionality to measure the number of people in the room
Energy-saving system using PHS functionality to measure the number of personnel in the room |
A local mobile phone (PHS) is adopted for the entire main building. The newly developed technology capable of collecting PHS terminal position information from a telephone switchboard (PBX) enables us to measure the number of people in each zone in real time. This technology is
used for the air conditioning and lighting energy saving technology described below.
1) Outside air intake amount optimization control
The amount of outside air intake to be introduced into each zone is adjusted to the proper amount based on the number of personnel in the room to reduce the outside air load.
2) Lights-out and air conditioning stop control during overtime work
The lighting and the air conditioning system for the zone will be turned off during overtime work as soon as the number of people in the zone becomes zero.
Full view of roof biotope |
The roof biotope was constructed to alleviate the heat island phenomenon, restore the natural ecosystem in urban areas, reduce air conditioning loads, and improve landscapes. Covered with many evergreen plants, the biotope covers 175 ㎡, about 22㎡ of which is waterfront. The effect
of the biotope is verified through various monitoring processes.
The main purpose of the ground biotope is to restore the relationship between people and wildlife in an urban area. Additionally, it was constructed to create green space with high added value and thereby establish a harmonious relationship with the community and fulfill the social
responsibility of a company.
This biotope was constructed with three "Saisei (which means both restoration and recycling in Japanese)" goals to achieve: 1) the restoration of the natural ecosystem in the urban area, 2) the recycling and circulation of resources, and 3) the restoration of the living environment.